Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Shooting Shenanigans

The WSNY team had a fantastic time yesterday evening running around Manhattan and shooting some new promos and segments to release over the coming weeks!

Of course, in true Web Show New York style, things got a bit....out of hand.

Our fearless Director Ed found himself in a- compromising position- as he proved his dedication to the project (or insanity, we're not sure which one yet) by lying on his back in the middle of Manhattan!

Of course, this did not amuse our beautiful Makeup Artist Gillian, who for some reason refused to join him. I do believe her exact quote was "I don't have enough hand sanitizer for this!"

Our daring DP (er..Director of Photography aka Cameraman with a Plan for you non-film/tv folks) Doyle found himself very high up in the bleachers! Of course, I was a tad more concerned about the safety of our very expensive camera.....

Meanwhile the Stars (divas) Steven and John-Andrew continued to be their fabulous (crazy) selves as they spread the WSNY gospel the only way they know how...through dance (at least I *think* that's what they're doing in this picture)!

Me? Well, I was doing what I do best of course....worrying about time! (Please pretend I'm actually wearing a watch in the photo, it makes a lot more sense that way.)

Anyways, despite (or maybe because of) the shenanigans we had a blast, and as always we can't wait to share what we've worked on with you! Maybe once you see the segments these photos will make a bit more sense. Then again...maybe not.

Talk to you soon!

Production Manager


  1. We were indeed dancing...I think we were singing a song that went along with it as well. It was either about Charo or Dick Cheney. I always mix them up.

  2. This looks like way more fun than my vacation...
